Requirements for OWA Assisted Mail Submission

To implement Zivver OWA Assisted Mail Submission (OWA-AMS), your organization must meet these requirements.

  • Zivver Outlook Web Access add-in v5 or newer is installed.
  • OWA-AMS is enabled for your organization.
  • You use one of these mail servers or a secure email gateway (SEG):
    • Microsoft Exchange Online as part of Office 365.
    • A SEG with which you can:
      • Filter outbound messages on a custom mail header.
      • Submit messages to a custom smart host.
    • Every other mail server with which you can:
      • Filter outbound messages on a custom mail header.
      • Submit messages to a custom smart host.

Use the latest version of the Zivver Outlook Web Access add-in. To know the latest version, refer to the Zivver Outlook Web Access add-in release notes. You can also send an email to

OWA-AMS enablement for your organization

To use OWA-AMS, you must enable this function in your organization. Without the OWA-AMS function enablement, your mail server or Secure Email Gateway (SEG) does not process the sent Zivver messages. Please contact to request enablement of OWA-AMS for your organization. You can choose the following options for enabeling the OWA-AMS feature:

  • Trial: Uses will see a toggle in the bottom of the Zivver Outlook Web Access add-in side pane to turn OWA-AMS on or off.
    It is adviced to start the implementation of OWA-AMS in trial mode. This allows you to test out the set-up, without disrupting the flow for all your users.
  • Live: OWA-AMS is active without any visual indication for the users. Every message sent with the Zivver OWA add-in will be send through the OWA-AMS flow.
First implement OWA-AMS in your mail server or SEG. Otherwise, the server sends the Zivver message to the recipient as an unsecured email.

Requirements for mail servers or Secure Email Gateway

If your organization uses a Secure Email Gateway (SEG), you can implement OWA-AMS in your mail server or your SEG. That depends on the requirements of your organization.

You can also implement OWA-AMS in a SEG or a mail server that is different from Microsoft Exchange Online. That SEG or mail server must filter outbound messages on a custom mail header. Subsequently, the mail server message that is filtered out needs to be submitted to a custom smart host.