Upgrade to Zivver OWA add-in v6


We are excited to launch our Zivver OWA add-in v6! With automatic login, an improved user experience, and faster sending speed, this version takes a big step forward in optimizing the secure mailing experience in Outlook Online.

Upgrading to version 6 of the Zivver OWA add-in is easy but not automatic. This document outlines the steps required for this upgrade.

Starting from OWA add-in v6, Zivver uses a different versioning format, in line with our other integrations. Therefore, you will see a version number in the format 3.xxx.x instead of 6.x.

Technical requirements

You can install the Zivver OWA add-in in Exchange Online. To use the OWA add-in, you must meet these requirements:

  • Use Exchange Online
  • The users’ workstations (Windows or Mac) have the latest General Available (GA) or Stable version of one of these modern browsers installed:
    • Microsoft Edge based on Chromium (recommended)
    • Google Chrome / Chromium (for Android/iOS) (recommended)
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Apple Safari (for iOS)
  • Allow cookies in the browser for these exact URL’s. Read more about CookiesAllowedForUrls in Edge (this setting is identical in Chrome)
    • [*.]office.com
    • [*.]office365.com
    • [*.]zivver.com
      The Zivver add-in stores the active session of a user in LocalStorage. Blocking cookies for these domains will cause users to log in after every page refresh
  • Allow pop-ups in the browser for these exact URL’s. Read more about PopupsAllowedForUrls in Edge (this setting is identical in Chrome)
    • [*.]office.com
    • [*.]office365.com
    • [*.]zivver.com
      The Zivver add-in uses pop-ups to log users in. Blocking pop-ups for these domains will prevent users from being able to log in to Zivver
  • Exchange policy preventing downloading of attachments in the user’s Outlook environment is disabled (this is the default setting).
  • An Entra ID admin account with Global Administrator privileges
  • A Zivver administrator account

Limitations of Microsoft Exchange Online Add-in Management

  • It can take up to 24 hours for new add-ins to be installed and visible to all users in Outlook Online.
  • It can take up to 24 hours for existing add-ins to be removed for all users in Outlook Online.
  • It can take up to 72 hours for existing add-ins to receive an update, such as changing the deployment type or enabling/disabling add-ins for users in Outlook Online.
  • It can take up to 4 hours for an add-in to appear when a user sideloads an add-in themselves due to caching in Outlook Online.

Risks and Mitigating Measures

Risk #1

  • User has both an old version and version 6 of the Zivver OWA add-in active simultaneously

When a user has both versions of the Zivver OWA add-in, they may be unable to send regular or secure mail from Outlook Online. This is the biggest risk for users.

Mitigating Measures

  • Change the Deployment Method of the old Zivver OWA add-in to Optional at least 72 hours before updating. Users can disable the old version if needed. This process takes up to 4 hours; see Limitations of Microsoft Exchange Online Add-in Management.
    • Prepare instructions on how users can easily disable the old add-in version if this occurs.
      • Ensure the service desk has these instructions ready.
      • Ensure users can independently find these instructions on the intranet or in their email.
  • Prepare instructions on how users can use an alternative to (securely) send mail via the Outlook Desktop client and/or the Zivver Web Application.
    • Ensure the service desk has these instructions ready.
    • Ensure users can independently find these instructions on the intranet or in their email.

Risk #2

  • The old version has already been removed for a user, but version 6 is not yet active

Mitigating Measures

  • Prepare instructions on how users can easily sideload add-in v6. It can take up to 4 hours for an add-in to appear when a user sideloads an add-in themselves due to caching in Outlook Online; see also Limitations of Microsoft Exchange Online Add-in Management.
  • Prepare instructions on how users can use an alternative to (securely) send mail via the Outlook Desktop client and/or the Zivver Web Application.
    • Ensure the service desk has these instructions ready.
    • Ensure users can independently find these instructions on the intranet or in their email.

Communication Preparation

The preparation involves drafting communication directed at users, see also Risks and Mitigating Measures. Zivver can assist in drafting such communication.

The preparation is independent of which variant is chosen to update users to v6. Preparations can be made immediately, as long as they are completed before users receive the update. It is essential that employees are informed about the change. The minimum communication must include:

  • A notification via email/intranet/SharePoint that a major update of the Zivver application in Outlook Online (outlook.office.com) is about to take place.

Recommended communication may include:

  • Instructions on how users can disable the old add-in
  • Instructions on how users can sideload add-in v6
  • Instructions on how users can use the Outlook Desktop client
  • Instructions on how users can use the Zivver Web App (app.zivver.com)

This communication should be available for the present service desk staff and easily findable for users on platforms like Intranet or in their email.


There are two variants for updating to version 6:

  1. Variant 1 - The old version of the Zivver OWA add-in will be removed for all users on the same day that v6 is installed for all users. This is the recommended option.
  2. Variant 2 - The old version of the Zivver OWA add-in will be disabled for all users on the same day that v6 is installed for all users.

Updating to Version 6 - Variant 1

The advantage of variant 1 is that these changes both have a maximum turnaround time of 24 hours according to Microsoft, see also Limitations of Microsoft Exchange Online add-in management. Furthermore, another advantage of variant 1 is that there is a lower chance of Risk #1, and thus hopefully less need to rely on mitigating measures. The disadvantage of variant 1 is that it cannot be executed in phases.

  1. Write communication to employees.
  2. Post the communication on Intranet/SharePoint.
  3. Communicate with users that the change is coming.
  4. Set the old OWA version to optional.
  5. Install OWA v6 in Exchange Online for all users.
  6. Remove the old OWA version from Exchange Online for all users.
  7. Share the instructions with employees.
  8. Users can use OWA v6.
    In the chapter Test the Zivver OWA add-in, it is explained how a user can test the Zivver OWA add-in.
Remove and install actions before the weekend
We strongly recommend planning the removal and installation actions (day 5) on a Friday (afternoon). This ensures that most of the processing time for these changes occurs over the weekend, minimizing the impact on employees.
Table 1. Overview of actions and their duration for variant 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
Write communication to employees
Post the communication on Intranet/SharePoint
Communicate to users that the change is coming
Set the old OWA version to optional
Install OWA v6 in Exchange Online for all users
Remove the old OWA version from Exchange Online for all users
Share the instructions with employees
Users can use OWA v6

Update to version 6 - variant 2

The advantage of variant 2 is that it can be implemented in phases. You can remove users from the group for the old version while simultaneously adding them to the group for version 6. The downside is that with this change, it can take up to 72 hours for the old version to disappear for the user due to the limitations of Microsoft Exchange Online add-in management, increasing the risk of Risk #1.

  1. Write communication for employees.
  2. Post the communication on Intranet/SharePoint.
  3. Communicate to users that the change is coming.
  4. Set the old OWA version to optional.
  5. Install OWA v6 in Exchange Online for all users.
  6. Remove the old OWA version from Exchange Online for all users.
  7. Share the instructions with employees.
  8. Users can start using OWA v6.
    In the chapter Test the Zivver OWA add-in, it is explained how a user can test the Zivver OWA add-in.
Remove and install actions before the weekend
We strongly recommend planning the removal and installation actions (day 4) on a Friday (afternoon). This ensures that most of the processing time for these changes occurs over the weekend, minimizing the impact on employees.
Table 2. Overview of actions and their duration for variant 2
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
Write communication for employees
Post the communication on Intranet/SharePoint
Communicate to users that the change is coming
Set the old OWA version to optional
Install OWA v6 in Exchange Online for all users
Remove the old OWA version from Exchange Online for all users
Share the instructions with employees
Users can start using OWA v6

Set the Old OWA Version to Optional

In recent years, Microsoft has moved the location of add-ins in the admin panel. The location where the Zivver add-in is installed will determine the next steps to upgrade to version 6 of the Zivver OWA add-in. Check the locations below to see where the add-in is installed:

If you have found the old installation, follow the steps below to set this version to optional:

  1. Click on the Zivver add-in.
  2. Scroll down until you see Deployment method.
  3. Select Optional.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Wait a moment while the change is applied.
  6. Click on Close.

Install Zivver OWA Add-in v6

You can install the Zivver OWA add-in through the Microsoft 365 admin center. Follow the steps below.

Deploy and Configure the Zivver OWA Add-in via Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  1. Log in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Click add Deploy Add-in.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select Upload custom apps under Deploy custom add-in.
  5. Enter https://owa-v6.zivver.com/manifest.xml as the URL of the OWA add-in manifest file.
    Make sure to include https://, even if it’s already in the user interface.
  6. Click Upload.
    A Configure Add-in screen will appear.
  7. Choose which users will be assigned the Zivver OWA add-in:
    • Everyone
      All users in your organization can use the add-in. Choose “Everyone” to roll out the add-in to your entire organization, for example, when going live with Zivver.
    • Specific users/groups
      Make the add-in available only to specific users or groups. Choose this for a pilot or when only specific users use OWA.
    • Only me
      Makes the add-in available only for your logged-in admin account. Choose this if you want to test it yourself.
  8. Choose how the add-in will be deployed to users:
    • Fixed (Default)
      Recommended. The add-in is enabled by default for assigned users, and they cannot disable it.
    • Available
      Not recommended. The add-in is disabled by default, but assigned users can install the add-in whenever they want.
    • Optional
      The add-in is enabled by default for assigned users, but they can disable it whenever they want.
  9. Click Deploy.
  10. Read the Microsoft message and click Next.
  11. Click Close.
    The Zivver OWA add-in is now installed and configured for your Office 365 organization. It may take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect in Exchange Online. See Microsoft’s documentation for more information.
  12. Proceed to the admin consent steps.

Zivver OWA add-in v6 requires admin consent from your organization to seamlessly interact with the Graph API.

It is also necessary to do this even if you have done it for v5, as OWA v6 is a new M365 application.
  1. When launching the add-in (after successfully logging in to Zivver if you are not already logged in), a dialog will appear displaying the required permissions for OWA V6.
  2. DO NOT FORGET to check the box that says Grant permission on behalf of your organization before clicking the Accept button.
If you forget to check the box to Grant permission on behalf of your organization, you will not get a second chance. Another admin must start over by launching the add-in from their mailbox.
By granting permission on behalf of your organization, users do not need to worry about the permissions and can start using Zivver right away in their OWA environment.
  1. You’re done. Proceed to the required additional settings.

Required additional settings

Enable Inbound Direct Delivery

Inbound Direct Delivery (IDD) allows your users to read inbound Zivver messages directly from the reading pane instead of having to open the Zivver side pane. To enable, follow the procedure described in the Inbound Direct Delivery manual.

Allow cookies in Edge/Chrome

Allow cookies in the browser for these exact URL’s. Read more about CookiesAllowedForUrls in Edge (this setting is identical in Chrome).

{{< notice tip >}} See Allow cookies in Edge/Chrome with Intune for instructions on how to allow cookies with Intune. {{< /notice >}}

  • [*.]office.com
  • [*.]office365.com
  • [*.]zivver.com
    The Zivver add-in stores the active session of a user in LocalStorage. Blocking cookies for these domains will cause users to log in after every page refresh

Allow pop-ups in Edge/Chrome

Allow pop-ups in the browser for these exact URL’s. Read more about PopupsAllowedForUrls in Edge (this setting is identical in Chrome).

{{< notice tip >}} See Allow pop-ups in Edge/Chrome with Intune for instructions on how to allow pop-ups with Intune. {{< /notice >}}

  • [*.]office.com
  • [*.]office365.com
  • [*.]zivver.com
    The Zivver add-in uses pop-ups to log users in. Blocking pop-ups for these domains will prevent users from being able to log in to Zivver

Configure Exempt Domains

Configure Exempt domains from scanning during sending to exempt internal domains from Smart Classification.

Add-in behaviour

Configure Automatically use Zivver when a business rule recommends to be set to On, Mandatory on the Add-in Settings page. Read more about Outlook Web Access Add-in integration settings.

Trusted websites in Internet Options

For Windows users only.

Add these locations to the Trusted sites zone of Internet Options. This prevents a white screen during logging into the OWA add-in.

{{< notice tip >}} See Configure trusted websited with Intune for instructions on how to configure trusted websites with Intune. {{< /notice >}}

  1. Open the control panel.
  2. Click Network and Internet.
  3. Click Internet Options.
  4. Click the Security tab.
  5. Click Trusted websites.
  6. Click the Websites button.
  7. Add these URLs as trusted websites:
    • Zivver OWA add-in: https://owa-v6.zivver.com
    • Zivver web app: https://app.zivver.com
    • OWA: https://outlook.office.com
  8. Click Close.
  9. Click OK.

MacOS Safari privacy settings

For MacOS users only.

  1. At Settings > Privacy make sure “Prevent cross-site tracking” is unchecked.
  2. At Settings > Privacy make sure “Block all cookies” is unchecked.
  3. At Websites > Pop-up windows make sure “outlook.office.com” is allowed.

Remove the old Zivver OWA Add-in version

  1. Go to the latest location or the previous location.
  2. Click on Zivver.
  3. Carefully check that the selected add-in is the old version. The version number starts with v4 or v5.
  4. Click on Remove add-in.
  5. Click on Remove.
  6. Refresh the page.
  7. Check if the old Zivver OWA add-in has indeed been removed from the list.

Test the Zivver OWA add-in

Regardless of which update variant has been chosen, users can start using the Zivver OWA add-in v6 from day 5. The steps below explain how a user can test this.

  1. Log in to Outlook Online.
  2. Click on mail_outline New mail.
  3. Wait a moment (about 3 seconds) for the entire draft to load.
  4. Click on the Zivver icon.
    If you do not see the Zivver icon in the menu bar, click on grid_view Enhance Outlook with apps. and click on the Zivver icon there.
  5. In the Zivver side panel, check the version number at the bottom left. For Zivver OWA add-in v6, this will be in the format 3.xxx.x.
  6. Click LOGIN if necessary.
  7. Toggle on toggle_on Secure Mailing.
  8. Add a recipient.
  9. Give the message a subject.
  10. Compose the message.
  11. Click Send.
  12. Check if the recipient has received a Zivver message.